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Practical Application Effect of Chip Electrolytic Capacitor

更新时间  2023-03-14 13:58:15 阅读 756

       Chip electrolytic capacitors are mainly used in communication AC circuits and monopulse circuits. In DC circuits, capacitors generally have the effect of decorating and isolating DC power.     
       Capacitors are neither manufactured nor consume energy, and are storage components.
       SMD electrolytic capacitors are the main components for improving power factor in power supply systems; In electronic device circuits, it is a key component that obtains effects such as oscillation, filtering, phase, bypass, and coupling.
       This is because the load applied in industry is intended for the AC current of the motor, so it is necessary to mount electrolytic capacitors in parallel to achieve capacitive load balancing in the power grid.
       Why do some wire connectors also need to be grounded based on capacitance? In DC circuits, it is anti-interference. The main function of the device is to isolate the direct current and correlate the potential difference in the circuit according to the capacitance grounding device that affects the single pulse; In communication AC circuits, there are also capacitive grounding devices that are generally small in volume and have anti interference and potential difference protection effects.
       An inductive circuit with an inductive coil such as a motor or a transformer is exactly the opposite of a chip electrolytic capacitor due to the fact that the current of the inductor cannot be genetically mutated. A voltage must be created on both sides of the electromagnetic coil before the current can be generated. When there are no resistors or capacitors in the inductive current control circuit, it is called a pure inductive circuit, and the current of the pure inductive circuit lags behind the voltage by 90 degrees.
       Because power is voltage multiplied by current, when the voltage and current are different at the same time, for example, when the voltage in the chip electrolytic capacitor is large, the electricity is already full, and the current is 0; When there is a voltage on the inductor first, the inductor current is 0, and then the multiplication (output power) obtained is 0! This is reactive power. In that way, the relationship between the voltage and current of the capacitor is exactly the same as the relationship between the voltage and current of the inductor. In turn, the capacitor is used to compensate for the reactive power caused by the inductor. This is the basic principle of reactive power compensation.